About me - Blending biology with computation

I believe that the future of biomedical discovery lies in the application of novel computational techniques to unravel complex biological data.

I am an MD/PhD student at UCSD MSTP. I am advised by Dr. Rob Knight through the Bioinformatics and Systems Biology program, and I am interested in advancing clinical diagnostics and therapeutics through the convergence of informatics, imaging, and artificial intelligence.

The genomic revolution promises to transform medicine and biology, but only if we can make sense of the vast amounts of data we are generating. I'm principally motivated to develop and apply computational methods to make sense of this data and translate it into actionable insights for patients and clinicians.

Who I am

  • Lucas Patel

    MD/PhD Student

From the blog

Notes on my work, my process, and my thoughts

Brevity is the soul of wit

And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,

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Get in touch

Locate me

  • UCSD
    9500 Gilman Drive
    La Jolla, California